Posted on / by Michael Martinez / in Conferencias, Charlas


On Tuesday, June 19, the Invetsa Technical Service (Bird Line) carried out an in-house training for our client Rendondos SA, in the Auditorium of the Hotel Kajaca – Huacho, in charge of the Head of Laser Laboratories, Dr. Sofía Bernedo, Aimed exclusively at professionals in charge of the Health and Production Areas of the Breeding Stock, Broiler and Incubation Plant divisions.

The training offered was entitled “Interpretation of Serological Test Results” where Dr. Bernedo made a detailed explanation of the performance of ELISA tests, pointed out the ideal characteristics of a sample for serology, mentioned the correct ways of taking samples and conservation of the same, he also detailed the considerations to take into account for the interpretation of the serological result, providing real examples of the casuistry available to the laboratory in charge. Finally, the training concluded with a small sharing offered to the participants, giving the opportunity to continue the conversation between colleagues and the speaker to clarify queries on the subject.


