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Bromhexol NF contains Bromhexine, Guaifenesin and Eucalyptol that combined provide an effective treatment against mucosal congestion in birds.

In the inadequate management of ventilation and in various respiratory diseases, significant increases in the physiological volume of respiratory secretions and their qualitative changes occur, which determine a greater viscosity and loss of the effective number of cilia.

BROMHEXOL NF, emulsion is used as an adjuvant in the resolution of severe, acute or chronic respiratory conditions, whether infectious or not, that may affect the normal functioning of the respiratory system of birds, pigs (piglets and adults).

BROMHEXOL NF must be used in association with antibiotics, whenever the nature of the respiratory disease is infectious, in these cases the recovery of the animals is much faster and longer lasting than if the treatment were done only with the antibiotic.

How does Bromhexol NF work?

Due to the combined effect of its components detailed below


Derivative of Vacisin, it is an indirect-acting mucolytic that activates sialyl-transferase, stimulating the activity of the ciliated epithelium of the respiratory tract by increasing the permeability, fragmentation and rupture of glycoprotein fibrils in the secretions of the respiratory system, decreasing its viscosity. . If there is an antibiotic treatment involved, the concentration of the antibacterial agent in said secretions will increase, obtaining a greater luminal effect of the antibiotic dose in the infectious focus. It facilitates the return to normal mucus production, facilitating expectoration . Its main active metabolite is Ambroxol.


It is believed that it acts initially by irritating receptors in the gastric mucosa with subsequent reflex stimulation of the respiratory tract and by vagal stimuli initiates a reflex secretion of fluid from the respiratory tract, consequently increasing the volume and decreasing the viscosity of bronchial secretions. reducing the adhesiveness of secretions, facilitating their expectoration from the respiratory tract.


Expectorant and Mucokinetic , Initially, it acts directly on the tracheal and bronchial epithelium, exerting an irritating effect and increasing the production of bronchial secretions, through the activity of the cilia, fluidizing the secretions. Next, it has a bronchodilator action by relaxing the bronchial smooth muscle and an anti-inflammatory action by inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins. It also has antimicrobial properties.

These expectorant and mucokinetic effects help in the elimination of viscous mucus and consequently a better oxygenation of the birds is produced.

Bibliographic references


      • EMEA, The European Agency for the evaluation of medicinal products, EMEA / MRL /820/02-Final.
      • Mestorino, Nora; ML Marchetti, B Huber, Jorge O. Errecalde. Chair of Pharmacology. Faculty of Veterinary Sciences. National University of La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. INCAM SA Effects of bromhexine on the penetration of enrofloxacin in bronchial secretions of chickens, 2011.
      • Petruccelli, MA; Piscopo, MV; Unzaga, M.F.; Cerda, RO; Marino, FP Chair of Bird and Piliferous Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, National University of La Plata. Lectinhistochemical study of the mucociliary apparatus of chickens experimentally infected with mycoplasma gallisepticum and treated with mucolytics and antibiotics, 2012.
      • VETERINARY MEDICINES EVALUATION UNIT; “Bromhexine Summary Report”, Committee for veterinary medicinal products, November 1998: 6 pp.


