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Respiratory problems in pigs are part of the main pathologies that we constantly face in pig farms worldwide, and in turn generate large economic losses in farms, either due to increased mortality, reduced profits of weight, affected feed conversion and increased treatment costs.

Pneumonia is multifactorial in origin

  • Infectious: New viral pathogens such as PRRS, Influenza and Circovirus, which together with Mycoplasma as a primary pathogen, are part of the Porcine Respiratory Complex, make the appearance of pneumonia outbreaks more frequent, also aggravated by secondary pathogens of bacterial origin. such as Pasteurella, Bordetella, Glaesserella parasuis, Streptococcus suis, etc.
  •  Stress problems, due to changes in temperature or direct currents, as well as undesirable air quality.
  • Nutritional: either due to imbalances in the diet or the presence of Mycotoxins, which affect the immune response of animals.
  • Management:   Increased density in pens, partly due to increased production, or damming due to market causes.

In addition to the correction of predisposing factors, the use of antibiotics is necessary for the control and treatment of pneumonia.

Among the different treatment options, we must take into account the spectrum of action of these antibiotics, among which Tilmicosin stands out, which has proven action against Mycoplasma, Pasteurella, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (App) and Bordetella, these being the main bacterial pathogens involved in this disease.

In the treatment with Tilmicosin, it must be taken into account that if it is NOT flavored, it could generate some rejection in consumption, for which Certyl CG40 is made, seeking acceptance in consumption.

Other Macrolides such as Tylvalosin and Tiamulin act against Mycoplasma, but their effect against secondary bacteria such as Pasteurella, App and Bordetella have not been proven. This makes Tilmicosin the antibacterial of choice for the Porcine Respiratory Complex, and it is used at 200 ppm (500 g/ton) as a control and 300 ppm (750 g/ton) as a treatment.

Juan Eduardo Uribe S.

With Invetsa, obtain the products you need for the perfect health of your pigs.
